Cagaran Zorion
Where to start with this little man? He has our hearts. He is loving, attentive, playful, naughty, exasperating and cheeky all in equal measures.
His main interests are 'his girls' Vizzie and Weeyin (he has a complicated relationship with Boop), toys, playing in our cat-secured back garden and Ian's socks.
He loves to be wherever we are and can often be found balancing on our shoulders when we're doing things around the house. He even likes to 'help' where he can by moving essential items just out of reach.
He is also known as Grumbles or Grumbledore - you always know where he is because he walks around talking to himself all the time!
He came to us a little older than the others at about 9 months old. He'd grabbed Charlotte's heart as a tiny kitten but he was too young to come home with us and we couldn't afford to wait (See the 'About Us' blog). So instead, he waited for us and we're so glad he did.
Zori is a registered therapy pet, he's only done one visit so far but we're hoping to do more when Charlotte has a bit more time. In the meantime, his deep, therapeutic purr and loving sunny nature keeps us all happy at home.
Zori is a Red Silver Ticked Tabby Tiffanie - a Tiffanie is a long-haired Asian which is why he's fluffier than the others. Bred by our friends Heather & Richard McRae.
Zori's Sire (Dad) is Brodie - UK IGrCh & IGrPr Cagaran Plathach, and his Dam (Mum) is Fiona - Ch Cagaran Beannachd-Fionn.
This makes him half-siblings with Vizzie, cousin to Boop and second cousin to Weeyin.